Yoga Class for Toastmasters with Anna Kuznetsova
Anna Kuznetsova, Advanced Communicator and Leader Bronze, ex VP Education 2012 and an experienced yoga instructor ( invites members of Chamber Toastmasters Club and their friends for a special yoga class, which will take place on 17 May (Saturday) from 10:00 until 11:30 at the following address 20 Gorkogo Str., 5 min from Lva Tolstogo metro station, Kyivska Yoga Studio, room “Soul of Tibet” (
• What yoga tricks can help to tackle toastmaster's anxiety before going to stage?
• How to cope with sleepiness when you have to prepare a speech or a presentation sitting through the night?
• Used to working for over-time office hours and spend much time in front of computer at home?
Want to learn cool exercises against back-ache?
Anna invites you to attend her class and to learn answers to these questions.
After the class we will have a tea time and chat with Anna about her yoga and Toastmasters experience.
• What yoga tricks can help to tackle toastmaster's anxiety before going to stage?
• How to cope with sleepiness when you have to prepare a speech or a presentation sitting through the night?
• Used to working for over-time office hours and spend much time in front of computer at home?
Want to learn cool exercises against back-ache?
Anna invites you to attend her class and to learn answers to these questions.
After the class we will have a tea time and chat with Anna about her yoga and Toastmasters experience.
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